Sunday, July 28, 2013

Forgotten and Ignored-The Human Animal Bond-DH DeForge 28July2013

Forgotten and Ignored
The Human-Animal Bond
DH DeForge, VMD 28July2013

The Little Boy and the Old Man by Shel Silverstein

Said the little boy, "Sometimes I drop my spoon."
Said the old man, "I do that too."
The little boy whispered, "I wet my pants."
"I do that too," laughed the little old man.
Said the little boy, "I often cry."
The old man nodded, "So do I."
"But worst of all," said the boy, "it seems
Grown-ups don't pay attention to me."
And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
"I know what you mean," said the little old man.

When Shel Silverstein wrote this simple poem, I wonder if he realized its impact on the millions who have read it through the years.  If it is first read as a child, it has a much different emphasis than when read as an adult.  It symbolizes...two stages of life.....the very young......and the very old sharing a mystery of similarity and a fate of being ignored.

How many have said to themselves if I had my life to live over I would have spent more time with my son or daughter and less time in my career.  Or, maybe, if I only could have that time back with my Mom or Dad or Grandma or Grandpa I would have spent more time with them and cherished their knowledge.  I don't think there are many who have not had those thoughts who have grown and raised a family.  

The irony of this New Millennium......... which we are already 13 years into as I write.......... concerns the fact that the nuclear family is farther apart now than ever and parents are ignoring children more than at any other time in the history of The Family of Man.  Sure...... there are great parents.....I know many of them.....and yes there are adults that idolize their parents and grandparents and have spent many hours with them as they age.   No one would disagree with me when I state this is the minority.  We are in the Internet Revolution and we spend more time on our Smart Phones; I-pads; computers; lap tops; and other electronic devices than we do speaking to each other.

I love the electronic age.  I am amazed by the technology and the wealth of information that is a key-stroke away.  At the same time, I see this Revolution destroying the family and creating a greater gap between the Little Boy and the Old Man than has ever existed.  I hope as your read this blog and take a moment to reflect on Shel Silverstein's insight that you will commit yourself to spending more time with your children and with your aged parents.

In my clinical setting each day, I see many young people on I-Phones; carrying I-Pads or pleading with their parents to get them the newest electronic technology.  The lack of connection between the child and pet in their home is increasing. I believe the Electronic Revolution is a major part of this segmentation of love between child and pet.  

Twenty-five years ago the young people coming into a veterinary hospital with their pets were amazed to see the animal doctor complete the exam on their pet. With eyes wide open, they would ask that doctor many very fascinating and quite mature questions .  Today, these same children's eyes are glued to the screen of an electronic game or communicator and almost seem to be spirits in the room rather than participants in the care of their pets.

Our pets bring to us unconditional love.  They can listen to us; they can see us; they love us; and they only ask for just a little love in return.  The Human-Animal Bond is the last frontier of caring in a world that has lost compassion and empathy!  

Spend time with your children.  Have your children spend time with their animal companions. We may be able to reverse what Shel Silverstein writes about in his epic narrative.  Maybe this poem can end one day........."and he felt the love of a wrinkled old hand.  I know what you mean it is not that bad being young and it is not that bad getting old when you are loved by so many." 

Dr. Don DeForge
Animal Doc AM Multi-Media
Medical Director-Silver Sands Veterinary Center
17 Seemans Lane-Milford, CT 06460
Dr. DeForge welcomes comments to his blogs at

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Heat, Humidity, and the Flea Party of 2013-Dr. Don DeForge 17July2013

"Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. Let's do it, let's fall in love." Quote by - Cole Porter

Heat, Humidity, and the Flea Party of 2013-Finding the Answer to Coping with the Flea
Don DeForge,VMD  18July2013

It is summer time and that is FLEA TIME 2013!  Each year 1000's of pets become flea-laden and homes become flea infested.  The question posed to veterinarians is the same.....what is the answer doc?

To understand how to conquer your flea problem you must understand the life cycle of  the flea!

  • Adult fleas spend most of their life on the animal but most of the fleas life cycle occurs off the pet~.
  • This is why the pet and the environment both must be treated to remove your flea problem~
  • Adult female fleas lay about 50 eggs per day on the female can lay approximately 2000 eggs~
  • That one flea can multiply to 2000 fleas on your pet and in your home in 20-30 days~
  • Flea eggs fall off your pet onto cushions, beds, carpeting, and hard wood floors~
  • Eggs can hatch in 3-15 days but may not hatch up to a year~
  • When hatched the eggs develop shortly later into larva~
  • Larva feed on adult flea feces which is really dried blood that accumulates in the home where the pet plays and sleeps~
  • The larva mature in 8-14 days~
  • The larva become the resistant pupa stage for about a week before becoming adults~
  • The TOTAL life cycle time is 20-35 days~
  • In summary, one flea can have a life span of 6-12 months depending on environmental conditions~
  • In an ALLERGIC pet the bite of one flea can be serious and lead to an itch cycle that causes open sores, inflamed skin, and secondary infections.  Multiple bites can lead to a very serious skin condition~
  • YOU DO NOT NEED an infestation of fleas to cause a severe flea allergy; many times fleas are hard to find on your pet; one or two fleas can cause a very serious flea allergy in your pet~
  • Extensive skin damage occurs from the itching, licking, rubbing, and scratching cycle!
  • Areas affected most often are the base of the tail; rump; back legs; front legs; belly; upper neck; around the ears; and face~
How do I stop the Flea Problem that plagues my life, my home, and my pet?---THE ANSWER!

To stop a flea problem, you must initiate an aggressive action that includes the environment and all pets in the home.  Call your veterinarian about the choices of prescription topical flea control products.  Do not use OTC copy-cat products which are expensive and ineffective.  Use the prescription topical flea control product on ALL pets in your home....not just on the pet on which you have noted fleas.  REMEMBER, fleas are hard to find and one pet can be a reservoir affecting all other pets and the home.  Frequent vacuuming of the rugs and hardwood floors is essential.  If you have a vacuum with a bag, the bag must be discarded each day after whole home vacuuming is completed.  Do not try to save money by saving the vacuum bag which is flea laden.  Vacuum each day or every other day for four weeks.  Vacuum carpets, fabrics, cracks in hard wood floors and especially all areas that are shady or dark.

Consult with a professional licensed exterminating company that uses products that your state's Department of Environmental Protection rate as safe for home usage.  This is an important step that is missed.  Do not use home "flea bombs" or "flea-foggers" which are completely ineffective in flea control.

Most importantly, see your veterinarian at the first sign of flea presence.  If your pet is itching please call your animal doctor right away for a complete dermatology examination.  If you are itchy call your family internal medicine doctor or a human dermatologist for an exam to discover the reason for your discomfort.  Let your doctor know what pets you own and if any of them are being treated for a flea problem.  

Cats with fleas can carry Bartonella Disease.  Go to National Veterinary Labs website and find out about Bartonella Disease in Pets and People.

National Veterinary Laboratory, Inc. 
P.O Box 239 
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417 
201-891-2992 or .net

Do not wait! Make that phone call to your local animal doctor today.  Stop your special friend from experiencing the discomfort and the suffering of flea allergy dermatitis.

Don DeForge, VMD
Medical Director
Silver Sands Veterinary Center
A Compassionate Animal Hospital with Affordable Fees
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT. 06460
Become a Friend on FaceBook at-Silver Sands Veterinary
Visit us on Twitter-Silver Sands Vet

Dr. DeForge welcomes questions about his blogs: E-Mail: or with all of your thoughts and he will reply ASAP!

Friday, July 5, 2013

LOVE QUIZ and the Human-Animal Bond-Dr. Don DeForge 04July2013

LOVE QUIZ and the Human-Animal Bond
Dr. Don DeForge

Mother Teresa: "We can do no great things; only small things with great love."

In my blogs, I frequently refer to a special friend, Dr. Leo Buscaglia.  We lost Leo from heart failure 15 years ago but he has been with me every moment of my life and even more today than when I first heard him speak.  Leo was an educator, a scholar, a college professor, a media personage, an international lecturer, and most importantly a very decent and kind person.  Here are two lessons he taught me.

"Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time . . . It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other"
~Leo Buscaglia

Perhaps the fact of life most conducive to living fully as a person is an honest awareness and acceptance of death.  When we can embrace death as simply another aspect of the life cycle, we will give appreciation and value to each life encounter knowing that it will never occur again.
~Leo Buscaglia

He also shared with me and 1000's of others his Love Quiz.  It was a test that you would take each day to be sure that you were centered and not drifting; that you were helping and not just asking; that you were embracing life and not just embracing wealth; and most importantly that you were each and every moment of each day SHARING LOVE.

I know that he would be honored, if he were with us today, to see what I have done with his famous LOVE QUIZ.  I have changed its emphasis not to detract from its message but to expand the message into the arena of the Human-Animal Bond.

Love Quiz-Dr. Leo Buscaglia with an Interpretation to Emphasize the Importance of the Human Animal Bond....Don DeForge, VMD

Asking yourself questions and answering them honestly is a good path to self-knowledge. In keeping with this idea, has your life impacted or improved the importance of any member of the Animal Kingdom today?

· Is any pet, companion, service dog, farm animal, zoo or aquarium animal or........ any other member of the Animal Kingdom a little happier because I came along today? 

· Did I leave any concrete evidence of my kindness, any sign of my love?

· Did I try to think of the animal I love and care for....... and the one who provides unconditional love to a more positive light? 

· Did I help this animal companion to feel joy in my interactions today? 

· Have I attempted to remove a little of the rust that is corroding my personal companion animal relationship because I am too busy to see that........... I have been ignoring my responsibilities as animal advocate? 

· Have I forgiven my pet for being less than perfect because I myself am never perfect? 

· Have I forgiven myself for not being there as my pet grew older; developed cancer; or cognitive dysfunction? 

· Have I learned something new about life, living, or loving from my pet and special companion in life's journey?

. Have I gone through the day without fretting over what I don't have & celebrating the things I do have by giving extra love and attention to my special companion animal friend?

If you are not satisfied with your answers, take heart! Tomorrow you get to start all over again! If you will it, this is one quiz you can never fail.

As a pet owner; as an advocate of any species of the Animal Kingdom; as a protector from pain for all animals...whether farm, exotic, zoo, aquaria, laboratory, or any other......... comes responsibility.

When we step aside and say that this is not for me to consider or believe this concern is unnecessary in relation to animals, we have broken the support system of the bridge of compassion.  For compassion to be realized we need to find empathy.  Here is what you will find when consulting an on-line dictionary about what the word "empathy" means:

Empathy is the capacity to recognize or understand another's state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself. It may be described metaphorically as an emotional kind of resonance or mirroring.

We must teach our children the importance of empathy.  Having children take the Human-Animal Bond Love Quiz from an early age will increase their awareness of empathy and deepen their social interaction skills.

Humanitarian, Paul Farmer, on May 25, 2013 in his University of Delaware Commencement Address described Empathy Deficit Disorder [EDD] and stated the following:

"You can be the cure for EDD in its chronic and acute forms. You can be the folks who address local outbreaks of EDD and also the global pandemic, which has affected people in every single nation on this fragile and crowded planet. Indeed, ours is a world that requires nothing less than linking empathy and compassion to reasoned plans that harness it to meaningful action. I don’t think anyone sitting out there, or up here, believes for a minute that humanity doesn’t have a future."

Begin today and take the Human-Animal Bond Love Quiz with your children, your partner, your lover, or your closest friend.  Remember, this is one Quiz you can never fail because it can be taken in its newest most relevant form each and every day of our lives. [A special thank you to my friend, Dr. Leo Buscaglia]

Dr. Don DeForge-Animal Doc AM Multi-Media
Feel free to contact Dr. DeForge at:

Silver Sands Veterinary Center
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT 06460