Sunday, September 30, 2012

Farm Sanctuary 2012 
A Tribute from Dr. Don DeForge
Animal Doc AM Multi-Media

"It is only when we give joyfully without hesitation or thought of gain~can we truly know what love means!"
Leo Buscaglia

What is Farm Sanctuary?  
From Farm Sanctuary National Headquarter-Farm Sanctuary's Magazine:

"Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization.  Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal industry" through research and investigations, legal and legislative actions, public awareness projects, youth education, and direct rescue and refuge efforts.  The three Farm Sanctuary shelters in Watkins Glen, NY; Los Angeles, CA; and Orland, CA provide lifelong care for hundreds of rescued animals, who have become ambassadors for farm animals everywhere by educating visitors about the realities of factory farming."

Visit to read more about the ongoing projects of this organization.

Jane Goodall states:
"Farm Animals feel pleasure and sadness, excitement and resentment, depression, fear, and pain.  They are far more aware and intelligent than we ever imagined.....they are individuals in their own right."

Christopher and Julia together at Farm Sanctuary

I first met the President and Co-Founder of Farm Sanctuary during an interview, I hosted, on WICC 600 AM radio: Animal ER~The Animal Kingdom: Celebrating the Human-Animal Bond.  It was an inspiration and delight to have Mr. Baur on my show a few times to discuss the work that his organization has accomplished and continues to accomplish in 2012.

I would like to share with you a quote from A Letter from Farm Sanctuary's President and Co-Founder, Gene Baur, from Farm Sanctuary Magazine: Fall 2010~~~

"Empathy is central to our humanity and it extends beyond our own species.  We are naturally wired to fee hurt when we see others being harmed.  But humans also have an amazing capacity to rationalize inhumane conduct, and most importantly unwittingly support factory farming without thinking about it.  We grow up and live within a social system that is largely invisible to us.  Recently defined as 'carnism," this social construct is in place to legitimize and normalize the killing and consumption of other animals and to discourage us from questioning this behavior or acting in alignment with more compassionate sentiments.  It is therefore up to us as people who care about farm animals to help others see through this construct and get back in touch with their natural ability to feel compassion for the most exploited among us."

When Mr. Baur was on my radio program, he opened my eyes to the pain and suffering caused in farm factory settings through intensive confinement devices.  Some of these are battery cages for egg laying hens; gestation crates for breeding sows; and veal crates for calves.  Farm Sanctuary is working nationwide in advocating laws banning these systems state to state.  Farm sanctuary also continues to work to prevent dragging, pushing, holding, or selling "downed animals" at stockyards and slaughterhouses.  If you want to help in these efforts go to and hit the button "get involved!"

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us.  This year consider adopting a Farm Sanctuary Turkey.  The funds raised help to care for the sanctuary residents and also help the organization to work on behalf of all farm animals languishing in farm factories across the United States.  Join "Celebration for the Turkeys" at

My entire life as a veterinarian has centered on providing a quality pain free life for companion animals.  I was one of those who didn't see or hear the pain of the abused farm animals in farm factories across the United States.  I am now an advocate for these animals and will utilize my media productions to allow each and every person the opportunity of awareness.  Read Jane Goodall's quote again: "Farm animals feel pleasure and sadness, excitement and resentment, depression, fear, and pain.  The are far more aware and intelligent than we ever imagined ....they are individuals in their own right."

I send this Tribute of work well done to: Gene Baur, President and Co-founder; the Board of Directors; the Department Directors; and the grass root workers including interns, volunteers, and contributors nationwide.  Leo Buscaglia writes: "It is only when we give joyfully without hesitation or thought of gain--can we truly know what love means!"

Animal Doc AM Multi-Media
Dr. Don DeForge
Silver Sands Veterinary Center
Join us on FB at Silver Sands Veterinary
Dr. DeForge welcomes your comments as we work together to Celebrate the Human-Animal Bond

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Radiowave Radiosurgery Usage in Oral Care in Companion Animals
Animal Doc AM Multi-Media
DH DeForge, VMD
Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry
Silver Sands Veterinary Center-Milford, CT
Adapted from

"The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower; share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's; smile at someone and receive a smile in return;these are to me continual spiritual exercises." 
Leo Buscaglia 

Oral Radiosurgery: CSI
  We all have the opportunity to plant a seed and see it become a flower; we can share knowledge and present it as a gift to others.  This is what Leo Buscaglia believed was so important.  Today, I want to share with you my personal knowledge of oral surgery; specifically oral Radiowave Radiosurgery.

As veterinary oral surgeons we face "CSI" situations within the oral cavity each and every day of our clinical lives. There is no subjective pain and not always a direct pathway to the pain site. We must use all of our senses, diagnostic tools, and history data from the client-advocate to make a diagnosis and treatment decision.

The main diagnostic tool of the oral surgeon is oral radiology. Detailed extra and intra oral exams must also be completed to elucidate areas of pathology.

Once a treatment algorithm is initiated and surgery is found to be indicated, the best technology must be on site to provide both excellent cutting and coagulation with rapid local hemostasis. The surgical-cutting technology must be versatile with minimal trauma to the patient. Radiosurgery produces a virtually bloodless incision. The Ellman 4.0 MHz Dual-Frequency Surgitron Radiowave Radiosurgery patented Technology2 accomplishes all of these tasks. This high frequency-low temperature equipment is fully digital and allows the veterinarian to change wavelengths with the touch of a button on the handpiece. A foot pedal control system is also available if desired by the operator.

Radiowave radiosurgery has been coined by some as 'the other laser.' I prefer to respect it, in my opinion, as 'better than' cold steel or lasers. First and foremost it is safe for the surgeon, staff, and patient. It is cost effective. Healing is accelerated with less swelling and edema occurring at the surgery site. With all new technology, there is a learning curve. Once this minimal period of understanding is accomplished, the operator will see the advantages, first hand, of Radiowave Radiosurgery in cutting, cutting and coagulation, and bipolar hemostasis. The clear field of vision provided with this cutting modality accelerates surgery time and therefore decreases the time of the patient under general anesthesia. 4.0 MHz Radiowave Radiosurgery can be utilized in non-oral procedures. It is appropriate in general surgery, ophthalmic surgery, dermatologic techniques, avian and exotic applications, and ER and Critical Care situations in veterinary medicine.
Table One: Indications for Radiowave Radiosurgery in Dentistry and Oral Surgery
  • Simple Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty
  • Oral Biopsy
  • Exodontal with Full Thickness Mucoperiosteal Flap creation
  • Epulis removal
  • Tonsillectomies
  • Frenectomy
  • Periodontal Surgery
  • Oral Tumors or Cyst Removal
  • Lingual Surgery and Biopsy
  • Palatal Surgery and Biopsy
  • Establishing Hemostasis in the Oral Cavity
  • Tissue Planing
  • Operculectomy-removal of overgrowth of fibrous tissue over the occlusal surface of an embedded tooth
  • Excision of Oral Granulomatous Tissue
  • Veterinary Prosthodontics-Crown lengthening and "trough" procedures for crown impressions
  • Oral Abscess incision and drainage
  • Subgingival Decay exposure and the placement of a class V-restoration
Table Two: Active Electrode or Insert Variety in Ellman Surgitron 4.0 MHz Dual Frequency Technology
  • Vari-Tip #118 Electrode-This electrode has the greatest versatility because the tungsten wire cutting length can be varied for the surgical application being performed. For the oral surgeon, the controlled cutting depth is critical in oral anatomy sites where cutting is in major juxtaposition to major blood vessels.
  • U Shaped Electrodes #104-108-these electrodes are excellent for gingival recontouring and in tissue planing
  • Loop electrodes and Loop Round Electrodes #121/122/126/129/130-excellent for biopsy techniques and in gingival collar planing techniques
  • Operculectomy electrode #132-used for impacted, embedded and/or entrapped dentition
  • Coagulation of soft tissues-electrodes #135-136-113F-117
  • J1 Bipolar Forceps-provides pinpoint coagulation; helpful in distal oropharynx, tonsillar area, or to control hemostasis in toy breeds and felines in difficult areas to approach in the oral cavity.
1 An Atlas of Veterinary Dental Radiology, Second Edition-DH DeForge, Editor-Sheridan Books, Inc.-Brooklyn BookWorks, LLC -For purchase information write to
2 Dr. DeForge is an independent clinical investigator and has no contractual commitments or relationship with any manufacturer, distributor, or corporation. He has been described as a leader in the veterinary application of Radiosurgery Techniques in Oral Surgery. He shares equipment information that is state of the art with other veterinary surgeons.

Animal Doc AM Multi-Media
DH DeForge, VMD
Silver Sands Veterinary Center-17 Seemans Lane-Milford, CT 06460
Visit us on FB at Silver Sands Veterinary
Dr. DeForge welcomes questions or comments at

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Animal Doc AM Multi-Media  18September2012
Dr. Don DeForge

Hyperthyroidism in Cats
The Hyperthyroid cat, in most instances, can be helped.  The exceptions will be described.  Becoming old or geriatric is not a reason to ignore your special feline.  Consider old as attaining wisdom!  

None of us go through the "jungle of life" without realizing that each phase of life brings new experiences.  Our advanced years bring to us "wisdom" with age.  Einstein states, "the only source of knowledge is experience!"  That experience should allow us to help ourselves, help others, and especially help the animal companions that we love dearly.

Hyperthyroidism is one of the most common problems in the middle aged to geriatric cat.  It is a problem that effects multi-systems in the body and is caused by an increase in the amount of thyroid hormones that are produced by an enlarged thyroid gland.   These elevated thyroid levels are most often caused by an enlargement of the thyroid [i.e. hyperplasia] or by a tumor called a benign thyroid adenoma.  Carcinoma of the feline thyroid can occur but is not common.

Here are some of the common clinical signs that you should look for in your cat that would send a "red-light" signal to you to call your local doctor of veterinary medicine [LDVM} for some testing:

  • Weight loss
  • Hyperactivity
  • Increased Thirst
  • Increased Urination
  • Vomiting
  • Increased or Decreased Appetite
  • Nervousness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Panting
  • Poor Hair Coat
The veterinarian diagnoses the hyperthyroid state based on a quality history of what has been happening at home; a thorough physical exam; and the appropriate testing. Some cats have enlarged thyroid nodules in their neck that the veterinarian can identify.  If your cat is experiencing any of the signs mentioned above go to your LDVM immediately.  

The veterinarian will order a Comprehensive Chemistry Panel and a CBC with a T4 and a Free T4 level.  It is very important to evaluate kidney and heart function in cats suspected or diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism.  The cardiac evaluation would include an ECG, Blood Pressure, Chest X-rays, and a sonogram of the heart called an Echocardiogram.  The kidneys would be evaluated with special kidney specific chemistry profile blood testing along with an ultrasound of the kidneys.  The key to hyperthyroidism treatment is a complete evaluation of the patient prior to selecting the choice of treatment.  Many hyperthyroid cats can have concurrent chronic kidney disease that is being masked by the effects of being hyperthyroid.
Some cats have borderline high thyroid values without nodules that can be felt in the neck.  These patients must be seen by a specialist called a Veterinary Endocrinologist for examination, further testing, and possibly advanced thyroid imaging techniques.  

The Endocrinologist will let you know after reviewing all testing if your cat is a candidate for the treatment of Hyperthyroidism.  Heart failure, kidney failure, or other organ dysfunctions may prohibit treatment.  Allow a specialist to make that determination.  Sharing that knowledge with you leads to a complete understanding of the problems.  This consultation is very important in your final decision making process.

There are three common treatment of the Hyperthyroid Cat
  1. Surgical Removal of the Thyroid Gland-i.e. Thyroidectomy
  2. Anti-thyroid Medicines-Most commonly used is a drug called Methimazole; about 15-25% of the cats on this medicine will have side effects of nausea, lethargy, loss of appetite, or an unpleasant skin rash. Liver toxic reactions and bone marrow  adverse reactions, although rare, have been reported.  Patients on Methimazole must be monitored carefully with clinical lab testing.  The patient is not cured and the thyroid tumor can increase in size or become malignant.
  3. I-131 Injectable Treatment-Used in hyperthyroid cats with normal kidney function.  This is considered the treatment of choice because it avoids anesthesia and surgery or having to give a medicine for life to your cat.
The northeast has one of the most prominent endocrinologists in their back yard-- Mark E Peterson, DVM-DACVIM. Thirty two years ago, Dr. Peterson's team discovered hyperthyroidism in cats and first devised the radioiodine , I-131, protocol in 1980.  I-131 treatment cures hyperthyroidism by destroying the thyroid tumor.  Dr. Peterson reports that 95% of the cats treated never need further treatment.  He goes on to say, "Long term, radioiodine, I-131, is far less expensive, more successful, and the least risky of any of the thyroid treatment options."

Discuss I-131 treatment with your LDVM if your cat is hyperthyroid and contact Dr. Peterson who will speak to your personally. Go to and hit the button saying Contact Us.  

This has been just a short introduction to Hyperthyroidism in cats.  Dr. Mark Peterson is one of the foremost endocrinology authorities world-wide and is located in nearby Bedford Hills, NY.  Phone 1-914-864-1631.  Visit him on Facebook at  Hypurrcat or Endocrine Clinic.  Let Dr. Peterson take this short summary and expand it to enlighten you with the most up-to-date knowledge about Hyperthyroidism in cats.

Make this contact today for the health of your cat.  You have been given the knowledge in this make the experience worthwhile as your cat's advocate for a quality geriatric life.   The only source of knowledge is experience” Albert Einstein

Dr. Don DeForge
Animal Doc AM-Multi-Media
Silver Sands Veterinary Center
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT. 06460
Visit us on Facebook at Silver Sands Veterinary

Dr. DeForge welcomes comments on this Blog or they can be addressed to his E-Mail.[]
He is happy to speak to you at any time at 1-800-838-3368.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Watch Where You Are Walking
 Hope is like a hairball trembling from its birth...  
Animal Doc AM-Multi-Media-Dr. Don DeForge

Have you ever gotten up in the morning and felt your bare foot slide onto a "gooey" substance that seemed to be laced with fiber?  If you have, you have become one of America's veteran "hairball" compressors.

How do cat's develop hairballs?  Healthy cats are fastidious groomers.  When the cat grooms itself, the barb like structures on their tongue grab loose hair and it is swallowed.  Most hair is expelled with the cats stool during normal transit through the gastrointestinal tract.  Some hair can get trapped in the stomach.  This leads to the cat having a vomiting episode to expel the hair.  The esophagus or food tube that connects the mouth with the stomach restricts the hair on its way out of the stomach causing a tube like material to be expelled.  Many times the hairball is trapped in the stomach and only food and stomach contents are expelled.

If the vomiting episodes are frequent, you must contact your local veterinarian [LDVM] to be sure that no other problems are present besides hairballs.  The doctor may want to take an x-ray or run some lab tests.  

Other problems that can cause vomiting in the cat are:

  • Liver Problems
  • Kidney Problems
  • Pancreas Problems
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid Disease
  • Parasites
  • Cancer
  • Food Allergy
  • Bacterial and/or Viral Gastroenteritis
  • Foreign objects being swallowed and trapped in the stomach or intestines
  • Blockages of the bowels themselves
  • Feline Asthma
  • Pulmonary Problems than mimic dry heaving but are respiratory in nature
  • Feline Heartworm
  • Ingesting house plants-be careful some house plants such as lilies are highly toxic to cats-visit: to find out about toxic house plants to cats
If your doctor feels you are dealing with a hairball problem, there are many choices for treatment:

  • Prescription Lubricant/Laxatives that are given orally to help the hair pass out of the stomach into the intestines--you must follow carefully your doctor's recommendations on the usage of these products
  • Regular Grooming with the usage of a cat deshedder
  • Fiber supplements added to the diet
  • Special Cat foods that are high in fiber-Check with your veterinarian about these diets
  • Prescription Medicines which assist in allowing the hair ball to freely move from stomach to Intestines
  • Hairball Treats-the negative part is that it requires a large number of these to be ingested each day for them to be effective in the control of hairballs
  • Add natural fiber to your cat's diet-i.e. canned pumpkin, squash, or squash baby food

It is very important not to personally diagnose vomiting as a hairball problem in your cat and try to treat it on your own with over the counter or natural products.  You must seek the help of your veterinarian to be sure no other serious problems are present.  Infrequently, large or multiple hair balls can occur that need surgical removal.  Even though uncommon this does occur.

Some signs to look for in the vomiting cat that may point to a more serious problem than just hairballs:

  • Vomiting every day or more than three times a day many times per week
  • A painful belly or swollen belly
  • Poor appetite
  • Losing weight
  • A general unthrifty appearance
  • Drinking excessive water
  • Urinating frequently
  • An exaggerated appetite with no weight gain
  • Blood in the vomit
  • Blood in the stool
  • Frequent vomiting without producing a hairball
  • Coughing or gagging without producing a hairball 
Your veterinarian is your health care advocate.  He/she may want to perform an Abdominal Ultrasound, take x-rays, or run a series of tests.  Be proactive; seek  veterinary consultation before your cat becomes very ill; and most importantly become a good defective and monitor your cats behavior and eating habits each day.  Remember, you are your pet's home-advocate.  Be vigilant and be sure to provide a pain-free quality of life each and every day to the cat that you love.

Dr. Don DeForge
Animal Doc AM Multi-Media
11September 2012
Silver Sands Veterinary Center
Visit us on Facebook at Silver Sands Veterinary

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"I'm interested in raw land and trees and fresh air and rivers and lots of animals around them."

Animal Doc AM Multi-Media with Dr. Don DeForge

"The American Veterinary Medical Association's House of Delegates has approved a policy that discourages feeding raw or undercooked animal-source protein to cats or dogs unless the food has been subjected to a process that eliminates pathogens." [Drew Andersen-VPN-September 2012]

The controversy of feeding raw meats to dogs and cats or what are called raw meat diets will continue.  Raw diets are growing in popularity as "fad diets" as pet owners seek to return their pets to a more natural diet that simulates what carnivores ate before domestication.

Link Welborn, DVM and former AAHA President states, "While raw food diets are becoming increasingly popular among pet owners, there is a growing body of information showing that these diets pose a health risk not only for the pets that consume them but to their owners as well."

Researchers from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine documented a raw diet being fed to two cats which led to a Salmonella infection and death of both cats.

The American Animal Hospital Association states that Salmonella infection in humans can come from direct and indirect contact with infected pets and/or direct contact with contaminated food.

Salmonella infection can be acquired by humans in contact with pets that are infected by:
  • Pet Grooming
  • Food Preparation
  • Scooping of Litter
  • Cleaning food and water bowls
  • Cleaning Litter Boxes or Changing Litter
  • Petting Infected Pets
There are many other bacterial pathogens in raw meats besides Salmonella.  

Feline Toxoplasmosis is a very serious zoonoses.
A zoonosis is a disease that can be transmitted from animals to people or, more specifically, a disease that normally exists in animals but that can infect humans. There are multitudes of zoonotic diseases.

The Companion Animal Parasite Council states:

Feline Toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis is one of the most important zoonotic parasites dealt with in veterinary medicine. It is caused by a two-host coccidian, Toxoplasma gondii, for which cats are the only known definitive hosts.


  • Prevention is only accomplished by eliminating exposure.
  • Prevent hunting activity by cats (e.g., keep cats indoors).
  • Avoid feeding raw or undercooked meat or viscera to cats.
  • Feed cats only commercially prepared diets.
  • Because oocysts require at least 24 hours to become infective, remove fecal material from litter boxes daily. This is especially important when introducing a new cat to a household with other cats. Using disposable litter pans can help.
  • Disinfecting litter boxes is very difficult, since sporulated Toxoplasma oocysts are resistant to most household disinfectants. Cleaning with scalding water or steam is most effective, but must be done carefully to avoid burns in human caretakers.

 Discuss the NUTRITION of your pet with your veterinarian today.

Make sure the can or bag of food that you feed your pet states: Association of American Feed Control Officials [AAFCO] Complete and Balanced.  It it does not have an AAFCO Adequacy Statement on the bag do not buy the food.  Again, discuss AAFCO with your Local Doctor of Veterinary Medicine [LDVM].

Go to the Internet and seek a listing of Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Nutrition [DACVN].  Set up a consultation with the closest Diplomate to go over what you are feeding and what the experts say is the best.  For the good of the companion you love become a "proper nutrition advocate" for your pet by making dietary changes to assure proper growth and health through all stages of life.

Dr. Don DeForge
Animal Doc AM  Multi-Media
Silver Sands Veterinary Center
Visit us on FB at Silver Sands Veterinary
Follow us on Twitter